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Yamaha’s MT-10/FZ-10 2016- -


  MT-10 PC-8 Fuse Panel Kit
MT-10 Number Plate Splitter Cable
MT-10 Number Plate To Bullets Cable
MT-10 Number Plate Fuse Panel Cable


PC-8 Fuse Panel Kit

Before on left and after PC-8 install on right. Removed 4 connections from battery post and still have 4 unused outputs.


  • PC-8 Specifications and Features:
  • - 4 threaded insert nuts provide case mounting and fuse panel installation mounting points
  • - comes with an assortment of ATM fuses, one for each output circuit and a few extras
  • - 8 hot + outputs (2 unswitched circuits, 6 switched circuits)
  • - Switched circuits are turned off when the bike is shut down. An unswitched circuit is always hot - can be used for charging the battery
  • - 8 ground outputs - much better to ground your auxiliary circuits here than on a bike’s frame
  • - maximum fuse panel capacity 50 Amps (30A/20A - switched/unswitched)
  • - maximum circuit capacity 20 Amps (15A continuous)
  • - maximum output wire size 12 AWG (3 sqmm)
  • - all hardware is stainless steel (except input posts which are tin plated steel)
  • - black satin polycarbonate cover makes unit splash-proof yet allows it to breathe and stay cool
  • - cover mounting tabs on each end can be broken off or left on, depending on mounting choice
  • - simple robust design means no overheating and no problems with vibration
  • - I designed this fuse panel with ease of mounting a priority. Therefore there are many mounting options: Dual Lock on back of case, fine threaded screws from back of panel, self tapping screws from inside through PCB inserts to panel, or nuts and screws on the case mounting ears at each end of the case.

Complete plug and play kits, with all the wiring, a 40A relay, fuses, a PC-8 fuse panel, and more.

Battery Connect Complete Kit



MT-10 PC-8 Fuse Panel Kit $98.95



Installation Note: This kit uses the number plate connector as a trigger for switched power. The kit was designed so that the PC-8 & Relay sit under the seat.  The relay sits foreword of the battery on the left and the cables run to the PC-8 behind the battery. The switching lead runs from the relay to near the tail light and connects to the number plate light connector.


MT-10 Number Plate Splitter Cable ( OEM connectors )

This cable splits your number plate light into two output connectors for additional lights, or can be used to power small power devices.


Yamaha MT-10 Number Plate Splitter $23.95



MT-10 Number Plate Light To Bullets Cable


This cable allows you to install an aftermarket number plate light or use it as a source of switched power..



MT10 Number Plate to Bullets $15.95



MT-10 Number Plate Break Out Cable


Plugs in series with your number plate light connectors and provides a switched power source for relays or fuse boxes or small power devices.


MT-10 Number Plate Break Out Cable $19.95


PC-8 Installation Info

There is not a lot of space under the seat of the MT-10. However, there is enough to install a PC-8 fuse panel to tidy up your wiring. This kit is plug and play. No cutting or tapping of wires. Do not install any fuses until all electrical connections are made. Ensure the bike ignition is turned off. When connecting to the battery, disconnect the negative terminal first and install it last. Do not allow the bike main power cables to make intermittent contact with the battery, so hold the cable against the battery terminal until the screw is removed and then cleanly disconnect. Similarly when installing. The kit main relay sits forward of the battery on the left. The PC-8 sits behind the battery. The switched control lead routes down the left side of the seat sub-frame to connect to the number plate light connector ( not shown in this picture, as this bike had been modified by it's previous owner ). Cable tie wires into position. The install took about 20 minutes to complete and test that everything was working.